Monday, June 22, 2009

Womens Fitness Tip - A Top Priority

When I tell people my thoughts on womens fitness, I'm not sure they truly grasp the meaning of the idea that fitness has to be a top priority. I see them shaking their heads and I get a uh-huh, but I think that what is really happening is that somewhere in the process, the head is moving but their thoughts have already turned to something else they had on their mind.

=) That's okay, I know everyone is very busy. And I know it's a challenge to fit anything else into a schedule that already seems too busy, including beginning a fitness routine. I don't have kids myself but I do spend over 70 hours a week doing my job, I go to school, have band practice, take care of a dog that I feel is like my kid, and I d0 try to keep up a social life by staying in touch with friends and family. Believe me, it never seems like there is enough time for a workout. Well...there never seemed to be a enough time......back before I began. Funny thing now is that working out has become a normal part of everyday. In fact, I know I've missed something if I didn'get a planned workout in.

(If fitness is already a priority, check out Womens Fitness for some more great information.)

See for me womens fitness had to become a top priority. No, not my #1 priority, but a top one. I'm sure it resided within the first 5 positions. And in order to get it in everyday I had to treat my exercise as such a priority. Just as I am committed to devouting several hours a week to my job because it is a priority, working out became the same way. After all, it was my health at stake, I needed to make it a priority.

You can look at it this way. If you are married, your husband is a priority. How much time do you focus on him? If you have kids, your kids are a priority. How much time do you focus on them. What about your career, volunteer/social work, church service, etc. If those are your priorities how much time do you spend on them. For your womens fitness you need to commit time and focus on it as a priority the same as you do your family, kids, job, etc., as it should be a priority to you as well.

Now you could say you just don't have any extra time. That might really be true. But first I would ask you to track the hours in your day to see where your time is spent and how much time is spent doing them. The tasks you spend the most time are what you've made a priority. The question is, "Are those the priorities you want?

(Learn more tips to help you reach your goals at womens fitness.)

Do you spend a couple hours a day in front of the television? How about surfing the web? How about cleaning the house, or talking on the phone with a friend about so and so and what they did? If so, these have become priorities to which I again ask, "Are these the priorities you want?"

No one said you had to stop doing any of the things you enjoy just to work out. Here are some options, turn off the television for half an hour out of the two that you may watch it...Thank you DVR. Walk away from the web, leave the table dusty, or cut the evening phone call short for that time. Trust me, after doing this, you'll appreciate your new priority and you'll feel better about it. I can assure everyone, exercise provides more stress release, relaxation, and good feelings than doing any of those other options.

So for your womens fitness, make it a top priority. The funny thing is that after 4 to 6 weeks it will automatically just become a way of life. Looking back after that transition you'll be glad about the priorities you made.

(For answers about how to get healthy and into great shape, go to womens fitness

To your ultimate health,


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Womens Fitness Tip of the Day – Play Like You Did When You Were a Kid to Get Your Exercise

It’s not easy to get up, get to the gym, and exercise before work when your workday begins at the crack of dawn to the tune of the rooster’s crow. For some that can be a 5:00 a.m. start or earlier. And if you’re anything like me, I need a gallon of motivation to perform an afternoon workout and even then it sometimes consists of draggin’ myself to the gym one limb at a time…and each individual toe separately. Still, if this is the schedule you keep, it doesn’t mean that exercise has to be put on hold. There are a few things you can do to keep your exercise on track. And the options will take you back to your days of youth…and quite honestly keep your workout fun too!

Remember jumping jacks, jump rope, hopscotch, and hula hoops. (I know you’re smiling already.) Those were great times when we as kids would play all day. Well, now you can relive those memories as a big girl. Plus, you can do these routines and get your exercise in at the same time…without leaving home.

(Learn about a program committed to your success, womens fitness)

Get a jump rope and jump for 10 minutes. Do variations like skipping, double time, etc. Do jumping jacks standing in place for a few minutes or switch it up and jump side to side and front to back. How about the hula hoop or hopscotch? You can also even just go through the motions on any of these exercises if you don’t have the equipment. And your intensity level and duration of exercise is up to you depending on what your goals are. However, the minimum amount of time should be 10 minutes. And ideally you would want to attempt to achieve a moderate level of exertion. Get your heart rate to about 55 to 60% of max.

See, the main idea in going with this approach is that you are doing something to get your heart pumping and blood flowing. Elevate your heart rate in order to keep it strong and healthy. If you did this activity 3 different times throughout the day, you will even have met the recommendation of 30 minutes per day of exercise on a nearly daily basis.

Now you may still be thinking that you have to get up too early just to go to work and there’s no way you can get up any earlier. To that I would suggest that we are only talking about 10 minutes…okay maybe 15 since you’ll probably want to put some shoes on and maybe clothes to work out in. But other than that…if waking up 15 minutes earlier is too difficult then how about committing to going to bed 15 minutes earlier.

(More great tips can be found at womens fitness)

Come on, we’re talking about your body here, your health…your life! I’d say you’re worth it. And, it really is easier than you might first think. It’s like a little play time to start your day. Plus, you will feel so much better about yourself and your health after you do it

So let’s go! Jump rope, hula hoop or move your hips as if you were hooping it up, and do some jumping jacks. It’s almost just like when you were a kid. Hmmm, all that’s missing is your best friend from next door!

What other activities do you remember doing when you were a kid that you can do now to incorporate into your daily exercise today?

(If you seriously want to get in the best shape of your life, get healthy and fit, check out womens fitness).

Committed to your health and fitness success!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Womens Fitness Tip of the Day

Tip For The Day:

Not just for womens fitness but all who are trying to get in shape and get healthy, remember to change things up. Don’t continue to follow the same routine over and over. You’re body is an intelligent machine. Once it figures out your workout routine, it will adapt and find ways to perform exercises more quickly and efficiently so it doesn’t have to work so hard, (welcome to human nature.) Cool, huh? Yea…but not if you’re trying to burn fat, shape your body by building muscle, or both. The only way to achieve those goals is to make your body work, and work hard every time out. Sooo, to keep your body guessing, once or twice a week do something different.


If you normally perform cardio and weights together and do your cardio first then one day this week do your weights first and then cardio.
If you normally do weights and cardio everyday, then one day do only cardio or vice versa.
Change up your exercises. Don’t perform the same weight or cardio routine everyday. One time treadmill, the other bike. Or one time chest press the other pushups.
Also, you could change your work intensity. If you push yourself moderately on a typical day then one day commit to going hard in intervals or lift heavier weights for fewer reps
In your resistance training throw in some giant sets or negative training.
Or, use less weight but slow your lift and release using a 10 count instead of 2 and 4 counts.

Hope this information helps. If you are doing it correctly you’ll know because your body will tell you so.

(P.S. Don’t get mad at me when doing these things make your muscles are so sore you can’t lift a glass of water or squat to gopee. I’m just doing what I can to help…besides it’s a good kind of sore…if there is such a thing. ;-)

Learn how to get into the best shape of your life. Check out womens fitness

To your success,


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Did Beyonce' Knowles Really Say That About Womens Fitness???

I just saw a comment by Beyonce’ Knowles that just made me a little flustered, so I had to start writing. She was quoted as saying, “It’s sexier when it doesn’t look like you go to the gym. …I think it is important to feel like a woman as well as look like a women” from Self Magazine on why she works out but prefers not to get too buff.

Now, I won’t go on a tirade because I’m sure that if she reconsidered her comments, she probably would take them back or rephrase them. Otherwise, I would have to say the statement is ludicrous. I mean c’mon. Are you really saying that women who have muscle don’t look or feel like women?

Seriously! If the comment was meant literally in the way it was stated, doesn’t that take us back to the day when a women’s place should be in the kitchen and only men should go to the gym. Or even worse, let propagate the idea that women need to be thin with no muscle in order to be beautiful and attractive. Let’s continue with the pressure placed on our kids so that they attempt to maintain a ridiculously thin body by way of bulimia and anorexia. Isn’t this the image that we are trying to teach our daughters today to avoid and not buy into?

Are you telling me that women such as Tina Turner, Angela Bates, Erika Geisen , and Jackie Joyner Kersey, just to name a few, aren’t attractive because they have muscle? They don’t look or feel like women because they have a fit, muscular, and well trained body? Because I work out and developed my muscle does that mean I don’t look and feel like a women?

See the problem is that Beyonce’s statement taken literally perpetuates the belief within most females that they can’t build muscle or they won’t look like ladies. They won’t be as attractive and therefore attaining any real physical strength is out of the question when the truth is that having muscle is beautiful. And that is regardless of whether it is on a man or women’s body. The other fundamental truth is that unless supplementation of the “illegal” variety is used, in 99% of the cases women just don’t get that large. It’s not within the female make-up to add any real muscle bulk.

So ladies, despite the myths about working out, the misguided caveman ideology of a handful of guys, and poorly stated comments such as Ms. Knowles…keep working out. Build the muscle, get strong, and look in the mirror with pride. You worked hard for that power and your muscular body. Plus, you’re a very attractive and lovely looking lady as well…and so am I and I feel like one too!

Here’s to you being your best,
