Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Need a Workout Routine For Women? Look For 5 Key Concepts in the Best Workout Plans For Women

If you've made the decision to get in shape or even if you've been exercising for awhile but are ready to change things up, you probably are in search of some workout plans for women.

Some workout plans for women work...some don't. No matter whether you are just starting an exercise regimen or you have been working out for awhile and you're ready to change things up, there are things you want to look for in your new exercise routines to make sure you achieve your goals. For the best workout plans, look for these 5 key concepts to help you get results from the ones you choose to use.

  • No difference in workouts between men and women - a man and women's muscle is the same. Therefore, there is no difference between a male and female workout. However, their goals do have to be the same in order for the same plan to work for both. For example, if both are interested in building muscle, then the routine a man uses can be used by a women with the possible exception of the amount of weight being lifted. The only changes necessary in workout plans for women compared to men are based on goals. If a man has different goals than a woman, those differences would cause a variety in the type, (IE: more cardio vs. less cardio), and intensity of exercise.

  • High level effort and intensity - for any significant results to be seen either in building muscle, improving cardio health, or weight loss you have to put a large amount of effort into your exercise and maintain a high level of intensity. (Note: avoid any plan that references a using a fat burning mode on a cardio machine.)

  • Commitment - consistency is key when it comes to results. You have to commit to performing your exercise on a continual basis. At a minimum your program would have you exercising 3 times a week every week. Ideally, you would be performing a workout plan for women every week for at least 5 days a week.

  • Variety - results oriented workout plans offer variety. You won't be stuck doing the same exercises over and over on the same days every week using the same weight. To get the most from your body every time you workout, your plan will have you change things up.

  • Proper Form - for the sake of safety and keeping you in optimal condition for your routine, the best workout plan for women gives instruction regarding proper form in performing the exercise. It should cover topics such as going the full range of motion, proper breathing, slow and controlled moves, using spotters, etc.

(More information on exercise specifics available at workout plans for women.)

So when you are looking for a workout plan for women, make sure you utilize the ones with these key exercise concepts in order to get results. Find those that contain these 5 attributes and you will be well on your way to achieving your health and fitness goals.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Women's Fitness Central - 3 Key Concepts For Body Shaping Women Must Apply to Achieve Their Goal

Body shaping, women think of this idea in terms of changing the look of their bodies. And it happens to be a goal that many women set for themselves. In order to achieve that goal it is important to understand the 3 key components that are necessary. To not include them in your womens fitness program would mean certain failure in your attempt. However, in knowing them and putting them into practice will bring almost guaranteed success in the body shaping women most desire.

Before covering the 3 key components, it's important to realize that in body shaping women need to find a program that allow two things to occur. One is that you add muscle. The second is that you lose fat. The two activities go hand in hand and your results will be minimized if one action is achieved and the other is not. If you just lose fat and do not do anything to increase muscle, essentially you get the benefit of the bean pole look and that doesn't offer much shape to your figure. (Of course you could then be the lucky one called on frequently to squeeze into tight confined spaces.) If you build muscle but don't lose fat, then you can enjoy the sumo wrestler appearance. And well...in picturing that shape, I personally do want to look in the mirror and see a marshmallow staring back at me. Remembering the concepts below will help you avoid this fate.

Lift heavy weight - Most women when asked about their goals always state that they want to get toned but don't want to bulk up. Here is the good news...women don't bulk up. It takes extreme concentrated effort, very specific targeted training, and typically illegal supplementation (IE: steroids) for a women to actually gain any muscle bulk. Now this is not to say that you won't build muscle because that is the purpose of resistance training. However, the extent to which you build that muscle is limited. Besides, if you are looking to do a little body shaping women need to add a little muscle as part of that. So lift the weight, push yourself, and see how heavy you can go.
(Take a look at some of the successes experienced by these body shaping women.)
High intensity cardio - There's a deceitful little button on most cardio machines that's labeled "fat burning mode". It's deceitful because its label implies that by working out in that mode you are actually accomplishing a lot more than you really are. It's a nice easy pace with little effort. The truth is that it takes 2 to 3 times longer to burn the same amount of calories using the fat burning mode as it does when you work out at a moderately high intensity for 30 minutes. If you want to make cardio exercise worth your time and get some real benefit from your work, you need to put in some effort...push yourself, elevate the intensity, raise your heart rate, and above all AVOID the fat burning mode.

You can't out train your diet - The bottom line to any womens fitness program is that the diet plays the biggest role in body shaping women. And for any significant changes to occur, calories need to be cut. Although most of the time I wish there was another way, the truth is that you have to makes changes in your nutrition habits and reduce your caloric intake. Maintaining your same habits in taking calories into your body and continually attempting to add more time to your workout to cause a caloric deficit may have some very short term benefits. But in the long run, your time, energy, or body will run out long before your goal is reached. Consider this; to work off the extra slice of cheese pizza you had at lunch, you'll have to run on the treadmill for an extra ½ hour at a moderately hard pace. Now I don't know about you, but I sure don't want to have to spend any more time exercising than I have to. Keeping that in mind, I personally think twice about whether I really want or need that second slice. Apply these keys in your women's fitness program to start your body shaping women. Working with these concepts will have your body refined and redesigned in no time.
(If you're interested in learning more, go to body shaping women.)
To your ultimate health,

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Learn the Best Way to Lose Arm Fat Fast - Get Rid of Fat Triceps

Have you ever gone to wave goodbye to somebody and happened to see your under arm continue with a long goodbye while your hand stopped for what seems like minutes? Have you found yourself thinking you wish you knew how to lose arm fat so that wouldn't happen anymore? Well, the good news is that there is a way. The truth is that it will take some work but you can get rid of fat triceps if that is your goal.

The answer in how to lose arm fat rests in a two fold action oriented response where one step is required and other...although not an absolute necessity is still highly recommended as well. Let me explain. Although spot reduction would be the desired technique, unfortunately there is no way to target specific areas for fat loss. (But oh how I wish that was the way to address my butt and thighs...but I digress.) The only honest response and required action in answering the above question regarding how to lose arm fat fast is to lose body fat in general. By lowering your body fat, you decrease the amount of fat sharing the same region as your tricep muscle, where in many cases the fat is hogging most of the room. If that's a main storage area for you then fat loss in that area may come more slowly. But, the results will come if you stick with it.

The subsequent action that is suggested in how to lose arm fat fast is to start performing exercises to help shape the tricep muscle. Once you begin working to define and build that muscle, you'll begin seeing some difference in the appearance of the back of your arm. And in many cases the results can come very quickly depending on the effort you put into those exercises. Some of the basic tricep exercises for women are:

  • tricep dip
    overhead press
    tricep extension
    tricep pushdown

(More exercise options are available at how to lose arm fat.)

Add these exercises in conjunction with your efforts to reduce body fat. An overall change in body composition combined with tricep exercises is how to lose arm fat fast and the quickest way possible and make sure your tricep stops waving when you do.

(Read about the success stories of women who were able to lose arm fat and get healthy.)

To your ultimate health,
